Tuesday, 23 August 2011

I can day-dream a little

I've become a wee bit excited about Pinterest {here} ever since I enabled the pin "button" onto my laptop (it only seems to work in google chrome for me) and have whiled away many an hour looking at all the eye candy out there. Wow, so much to pin, too much to absorb and heady inspiration to make you dizzy with excitement.

It surely cannot be healthy for me to become obsessed with so much inspiration!?

Please can I have a cup of tea in these great utility china cups with their pretty doily and tea bag decorations?

Do go and be prepared to be inspired and feel a little dizzy with the delights of Pinterest if you have some time  a good few hours/days on your hands and have nothing better to do ;0)

I'm having a BUSY week to-ing and fro-ing with Alice and all her theatrical, dance and musical antics. She is doing a week of theatre, dance, art and singing and thoroughly enjoying it... I know this as a sign of having had a good day, when she sings herself to sleep. It makes my heart swell when I hear her little voice buzzing away into dream land. 

I'm feeling a little frustrated at not having been able to knit or crochet much these past few days for dog tiredness in amongst other daily stuff, oh yes and working too! Sometimes I feel like Jekyll and Hyde, I have my analytical scientific medical hat on for work and as soon as I come home I'm transformed into mum and homely stuff and then when I get to put my feet up I can think, reflect and create. Do you sometimes feel like this? I do dream a little too, in amongst the stresses and throbbing beat of my day I dream a little ...

It helps me remain true to myself as life screeches down the highway.

Sometimes I just need to reminisce 

And day-dream of our future pursuits when we've paid the mortgage off...

It keeps my days interesting and free spirited in amongst the debris. 

Do you day-dream a little? Escape into your thoughts perhaps? Please say you do or I shall feel a little lonely out there.

Wishing you dreamy days and nebula nights till next time xox



  1. Aren't those cups fabulous. The problem for me with Pinterest is that I get too overwhelmed with all the amazing ideas that other people have. My head fizzes with it and then I click out from it. Perhaps one day I'll set enough hours aside to really enjoy as it a wonderful place for ideas and happiness I completely agree.

    Daydreaming definately needed. I laze sleepily beneath an old apple tree with the remains of a lunch around me and everyone happy and laughing. Lots of other dreams needed too to keep you sane.

    By the way loved that image of Alice asleep - she looks so beautiful and peaceful in your cosy tent.


  2. Ohhhh, I love Pinterest so much! I have already clicked across and repinned that lovely yellow typewriter from your board. I think it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes but it really helps me to keep all the things I am interested in in the same place. I've found some fab recipes and things to do with the kids - like making glittery play-dough!

    I really wish people would ease up on the pictures of different rainbow foods though, the sight of it makes me feel quite ill!

  3. Definitely got to dream a bit! One of these days, the pile of washing will not spill over like some horrible volcano and life will be at a more sensible pace...! Would love just one day when I didn't feel just a bit guilty for indulging in crafting or wandering around taking pics - just for the sake of it!

  4. Oh I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who feels that way. When at work I long to be home doing my crocheting, fiddling in the garden, baking and cooking. When at work I have my bookkeeper hat on aagh and I don't mind it but some days I have no work. Anyway one day, thanks for the dreams! Janine

  5. Hi Penelope, I'm resisting looking at pinterest as I already have too much inspiration some days and my head is buzzing.
    I love daydreaming at work.There isn't much time to do it but just a few moments reminds you of who you really are and de stresses you .
    Jacquie x

  6. I am liking pinterest too. although i have to say i still prefer weheartit - but give me time!!!

  7. Loving the winnebago.....in my dreams!!

  8. ohhhh Penelope, dreaming with you girl, all the time, dreaming. It's part of breathing is dreaming, one must have dreams. Be gentle on yourself. xx

  9. I just daren't venture into the world of pinterest otherwise I'll never be off the laptop!

  10. Aaah! Seeing such evocative photos like yours, I cannot help but dream. I am also LOVING the pattern on those cups. Its inspiring me.

  11. That caravan does it for me! Still trying to get invited on to Pinterest, I don't think they want me! Penny x
