Sunday 30 September 2012

Suitcase containing...

Hello there,
It's nice to be on my blog again, this past week has been chokka-blok with allsorts starting with a trip to London to see Wicked last weekend as a surprise 12th Birthday present for Alice. It was AMAZING and the look on Alice's face when we surprised her with the tickets was priceless. We always do holidays and special outings on a shoe string and got tickets for £22.00 each for this fabulous musical from this website which a colleague told me about. It was our very first Westend theatre experience and I think this may very well be the beginning of a long relationship :o)

We also have been baking lots of yummy gooey chocolate brownies from the recipe in the new magazine The Simple things. Totally scrummy with cream or ice-cream. Naughty but nice to share with Penny of Planet Penny blog fame and her family last Sunday, on Alice's birthday on Wednesday and once again for my Macmillan Coffee morning I held with another of my Macmillan colleagues on 28th September. We raised £374.00 pounds and still counting (a few more pounds are still to come in), it was a true success.

To say I had a tiring week is an understatement, after a good rest yesterday I spent some 'me time' doing some fabric choosing cutting, sticking and of course some crocheting.

I've wanted to cover this little suitcase I bought about 8 years ago for Alice's dolly's clothes ever since we did a sort out for charity shops and a car boot sale this year. Andy wanted to get rid of it but somehow I convinced him of it's virtues!

I have always wanted to do this ever since I discovered this tutorial on a Beautiful Mess blog.

I quickly mixed up some of my own home made mod-podge, chose some pretty autumnal-coloured furniture fabric I found ages ago (my new favourite mustard) and got some scissors and a pen to mark my measurements.

I'm rather pleased with the results of this rather fun and quick project. Perfect colours for this season I think. I will need to dab and touch up with a little more glue in the corners and frayed edges to completely secure it, but overall I am quite pleased despite Alice thinking it's rather granny-like!

And inside, what's inside?

My crochet of course :o)

My new retro circle in a square blanket pattern found here on Three beans in a pod blog.

I'm loving handling this Alpaca yarn as the air gets cooler and am even more excited about this baby blanket coming together for one of my colleagues expecting her first bambino in February next year.

That's a little bit from my past week
I am looking forward to having a peek into your worlds this evening before Downton Abbey and a small glass of wine
Cheerio till next time

ps. A warm welcome to my new followers, I am rather taken aback at seeing that I now have's lovely to have you all visit.


  1. Yes, those Brownies were certainly delicious, and beautifully decorated with their sugary hearts! Love the suitcase idea, and I'm very grateful for the Mod-podge link, who'd have thought it!
    The blanket colours are delicious, very warm and rich. Lovely to see you last weekend, I hope next time we visit the rain holds off!
    Penny (and Higgins!) xxx

  2. What a perfect way to spruce up your suitcase! Love it!

  3. Hi there Busy bee :-)
    Looks like you have been having fun ...great birthday gift too for a 12 year old!!!
    The brownies do look delicious...just right to munch while watching Downton Abby . Not here on the TV yet but hopefully late Autumn.
    I do like what you've done to that old suitcase....what a change ...bold too!
    Blanket is looking good and lovely warm colours.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  4. Hi I've just blogged about your page over on mine and used one of your images to try and encourage some folks to visit. Hope that's OK, but if ot let me know. Helen

  5. LOVE that fabric in the suitcase....those colours are delicious! Fab makeover..just lovely. I very much like the colours for your blanket-in-progress too - that combination is so cosy.

    I have only ever seen one West End show- Cats ( about 20 years ago on my honeymoon) - and long to see another - am planning something for my birthday next year - so thanks for the ticket link.

    Hope your week ahead is a goodie. :)

  6. That's such a good idea to put fabric on the suitcase, was wondering what to do with my tatty old one. Like your crochet, it's going to look great made up.

  7. My mum took me to see a few westend shows when I was a teenager and I loved it.....I have yet to convince my family, but one day....I love music....and quite fancy myself in a westend (probably best saved for the shower though!)

    Great suitcase makeover and love your new project, I love circles in squares, I'm going to start a new blanket this exciting!

  8. I LOVE the suitcase and those! Well done! Ada :)

  9. Fabulous post Penelope! Loving the suitcase and the yummy bakes! Gorgeous crochet too!
    Victoria xx

  10. Ah the suitcase is glorious, wonderful, brilliant, I LOVE it!

  11. Penelope many belated happy birthday returns to Alice. Sounds as if she had a great birthday indeed. Amazing you managed to fit so much in with a wroking week. I sometimes wonder if life is mad or we've chosen to make it that way as we need mad to energise us?

    Loving your suitcase. The fabric is fabulous. Isn't it great when we finally get round to doing something that's been in our heads for so long.

    Lisa X

  12. What a brilliant 12th birthday...and such a great memory for Alice to look back on. I love the suitcase, Penelope...I've seen a few on-line and thought hmmm yes, but a bit too complicated for me. Maybe just doing the top would be the way to start. And I REALLY REALLY love your crochet blocks, they look quite fast to make up with just 2 colours. for thought!

  13. P, I have a bunch of books (novels) I am planning to drop at the charity shop at some point, and thought before I do, would ask if you might like to have some?

    Let me know if you're up for a bunch of books and I'll give you the names, and if you want any of them I'll drop them off.


  14. I adore your suitcase - it's fantasic! What a perfectly gorgeous crochet holder it is!!

    Have a fab weekend hon.
