Monday, 17 March 2014

Sorry for ignoring you, but I did knit a shawl

I have been very distracted with a number of things over the past 10 days or so and have found myself almost forgetting about my blog and all of you who come and visit. Please forgive me for not popping in to say hello, how are you doing in your blog space. You see the most addictive distraction happened to me, I discovered "Breaking Bad" and have been really curious about watching it for quite some time now and after subscribing to Netflix there was no stopping me. I am ashamed to say that in record breaking time I watched the entire series in 9 days flat, I lost myself for a while and watched while I made the tea, before work in the mornings, while I was bathing, late into the night and any other time I could without forgetting to be mum and wife :o) addictive is an understatement, I haven't seen such a good series for such a long time and it definitely was easy to knit my latest shawl whilst being engrossed in the characters and plot. So here she is, my adaptation of Stephen West's Boneyard shawl, my breaking badyard shawl...

I so loved cooking knitting this shawl, I do hope to be back in the land of real life again and look forward to catching up with you xox


  1. What a gorgeous shawl Penny, I love the yarn you used.
    Jacquie x

  2. It is gorgeous! I think I am doomed to only knit scarves!

  3. Breaking Bad had that effect on me too! Such a watchable series, I'm sad it had to end. Lovely shawl!

  4. Time well spent on both counts I would say. Well done Penny. Jo x

  5. Its gorgeous Penny, I love the colours! xx

  6. It's gorgeous Penny! I'm dying to see Breaking Bad, everyone is raving about it, but since I watch series in one hit like you do I'm just waiting till I have just a bit more time up my sleeve :-) Mel x

  7. Ha you did too I thought I was one of the characters in the story!!

    I love that shawl I am always amazed that you crochet and knit so well to do one is fab to do two brilliantly is amazing...

    now I'm off to call Saul!

    d xx

  8. What a lovely shawl it is :)

  9. Hello lovely and please don't mention this series as it has been sitting in my amazon basket for soo long, but I just cant justify it. You have no idea how much willpower I now have to muster up to not just go and press 'buy it now'!! I haven't heard of anyone who doesn't love this series, so it seems like somehow I might just have to be breaking bad and buy! Love your gorgeous shawl, you sure 'cook' up a storm my dear. Love the colours and it all looks so intricate and fine! A beautiful creation, well done you!! xoxo

  10. I must get into that series. I feel that we are the only ones that haven't watched it! Lovely shawl. Clever you. Elinor x

  11. Dear Penny,

    I smiled broadly as I read this! I must confess to being a series addict. We don't have a television but I watch them on the computer with streaming! My latest addiction has been the last series of Parenthood. Do you know it? The actors are so natural that you could almost forget you are watching fiction! My husband is as enthusiastic about Breaking Bad as you. I haven't watched it yet :-)

    Beautiful shawl and it's so great to see variegated yarn put to such good use!


  12. Gorgeous shawl!! Love the colors!

  13. Oh we're addicted too ... only half way through series 3 ... love the shawl ... Bee xx

  14. Gorgeous shawl, both my sons were addicted to that show, I have not watched it yet, but now I just might, that is if I can find a good shawl pattern to knit while it is on.

  15. Penny your shawl is absolutely lovely! Beautiful work. I haven't watched Breaking Bad yet but I have spoken to lots of people who have raved about it.
    Marianne x

  16. That's beautiful! I'm currently rewatching all the series of Doctor Who, the only thing preventing me from watching them all in one go is the fact that I'm supposed to be watching them with my boy, so I have to wait for him to want to watch them too!

  17. It's a beautiful shawl, you're completely forgiven for being distracted (plus I'm in the same situation!). Not seen Breaking Bad yet but I've obviously heard a lot of good reviews so I keep thinking "I need to give it a go!"

  18. Penny you're so funny! I love your shawl, the colours are like the English coast when the tide is going out - sea, mud and seaweed all together, so pretty. I couldn't get along with Breaking Bad but John seriously loves it and keeps telling me how good it is. xx

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