Friday 10 August 2012

10 Good Things Right Now

I love it when House of Humble blog does their everyday posts of "10 Good Things Right Now" and thought I might try it myself for I am an optimist at heart and like to focus on the good things in my life and there are many indeed. So here goes...
  • Two old keys for £1 and a pretty glass button for 50p found in a junk shop last week
  • Our beautiful girl messing around on the beach
  • Watching my annual potted lily open up yesterday, it always amazes me when it keeps returning year after year
  • Tying shells on string to wrap round our little picnic basket when we go down to the beach
  • Attempting to knit a DK teal coloured waist coat for the autumn... I really am pants at doing any patterns (maybe not paying enough attention whilst doing a bit of psso and yarn fwd?!) so I might just make life easier for myself and knit a cable instead
  • Getting over the top excited about my new pair of Swedish clog sandals arriving in the post, at heart I am a clippity cloppity clog kind of gal and love the cool geeky-ness of these shoes
  • Smiling at Alice's sense of humour when I discovered Mr. Pirate on one of our outside ledges where I collect driftwood, shells and pebbles 
  • Picking flowers and eating too many Tunnocks caramel wafers
  • Laughing at what I may very well knit from this hilarious book I bought for £2.99 from The Works in Eastbourne in one of my lunch time breaks this week
  • Loving the Olympics and this beautiful Union Jack* poster Alice made with some of her crafty bits and bobs and my ric rac and buttons...amazing what Summer time school holiday boredom can produce!

Thank you once again for your comments, I do love reading them and try to visit your blogs if I can. Warm welcome to those who regularly pop in and to new followers Anita's dollyHens rule and  Cariad in Crete

So that's all folks.
I am off to Brighton this evening to stay at my mother-in-law whom Andy and Alice have been with since Wednesday.
Wishing you all 10 good things right now.
See you soon 

*Just in case if some of you were wondering she did also make a little sparkly South African flag for our window after a little nudge from her african mama ;O)


  1. I loved the photographs, Penelope and then on top of that you wrote a good post too! I have been pondering, lately, having read a few posts from Elsewhere, about gratitude, half-full cups, and Being Postitve and realise that in general I have become...none of these.

    I'm thinking of having a post-a-month based on Reasons To Be Cheerful, because I am sure that a mind which concentrates on the up side will soon stop being so focused on the down side. So yes, that's what I'm going to do. And it's all down to you!

  2. I love Swedish clogs too! And Tunnocks. :)

    We've just come in from the beach - had a fabby fab swim this evening after a stressful blessed to live here. So I am with you on looking at the good things.

    Have a super duper weekend.

  3. Lots of brilliant reasons to smile! I love the union flag really caught my eye, clever Alice!. Your waistcoat is looking great so far...kep at it, it'll definitely be worth all the concentration!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend with your family, hope the sun shines for you!

  4. What a lovely bright and cheerful post! I love the clogs, even the colour is great! And Tunnocks Caramel Wafers are one of my earliest childhood memories. That book on knitting looks like it is a hoot! Have a great weekend xx Yvonne

  5. Loving your 10 things Penelope!
    Victoria xx

  6. Would love to see the South African flag!

  7. LOVING your red clogs :D

  8. Those clogs would sure me make me smile, and Alice's flag. But the pirate took me right back. My son's favourite joke, aged five: What did the pirate say to the shark (this as he arranged his Lego so that the shark seemingly had the pirate's foot in it's mouth) ... Le-go, Le-go. It totally cracked him up, odd child!

  9. What a lovely collection of photos! Your clogs are fab, and very much your style...Have a wonderful weekend xxx

  10. Loads to smile about there, yes I agree!
    Enjoy your break and let's hope the weather stays good for it.
    Kate xox

  11. Those shoes are wonderful and they look incredibly comfortable. Love the Lego pirate and the amazing Union Jack. I just had a book from the library very similar to yours - it was called Knit Wits.

    Enjoy your trip!

    (Are you from S.A.? I used to work for a South African company when I lived in Southern California - Kreepy Krauly was the name.)

  12. I love your sandals. Hope you're having fun in Brighton - I haven't been for years.

    Nina x
