Sunday 9 March 2014

Crochet pebbles

Have you had a lovely relaxing sun filled weekend? We have been blessed with warm sun shine here on the South East Coast and it has been blissful just to feel such a sense of hope for the Spring and Summer ahead of us. My favourite sign of this hope is when I hang washing on the line for the first time after the Winter and today was that day. I love sun dried clothing, it feels and smells so fresh and comforting and always reminds me of my childhood.

I have been on the beach pebble collecting this weekend and have enjoyed doing a little decorating with crochet. Not only do I love the smoothness of the pebbles and all their individual colours, I just love the way they feel once I have covered them in cotton with some pretty crochet stitches.

I decided to use white this time, I have used various other colours to crochet over pebbles in the past, but this weekend I wanted pure and fresh white only.

Making these is fairly easy if you know the basics of crocheting and have access to some pretty pebbles. There are plenty of patterns on the net and I followed a couple (as seen above)from this lovely book which I got out of our local library.

I was rather pleased to make up my own design for this black pebble, it just kind of happened once I had finished the two patterns. I'm rather pleased with it.

They look rather sweet together and are very comfortable to hold.

Last, but not least I was thoroughly spoilt with winning this wonderful giveaway from the lovely Lazy Daisy Jones who can be found here. Thank you so much Daisy, you have thoroughly spoilt me(sorry I have just realised I forgot to put that yummy crochet hook and hand gel in the photo!). I am so looking forward to doing some seriously chunky crocheting xox

Enjoy your week ahead and thanks for visiting




  1. What a novel idea to do the crochet covers for the stones you collected! Love it!

    Linda in VA

  2. I've dried washing on the line for the first time this year today too Penny. There was lots of laundry sniffing as I put it away this evening.
    Love your crochet pebbles, it's something I keep meaning to try....maybe for my summer shelves :0)
    Jacquie x

  3. I was almost tempted to do two loads yesterday to fill the line up, I love the smell of washing that has dried outdoors, crochet covers for pebbles, how fun!

  4. No sunshine here yet ... fingers crossed it arrives this week ... I love line dried washing too ... Bee xx

  5. Oh hasn't this sunshine just be magnificent and fortunately it seems like we have been blessed with it again today, what a gift! I love your gorgeous pebbles and their pretty crochet covers, how clever are you!! Lucky gal for winning that fab gift, one I clearly missed. Sending you much love xoxo

  6. I was thinking about your crochet pebbles the other day for some reason, and then you pop up with a crochet pebble post!! How odd is that hey! Glad that you are enjoying getting out and about. Great giveaway items that you were lucky to receive! xx

  7. Your pebbles look fabulous. Ive always loved tge look of these but I've just never seem to get around to doing them.
    Love, Rosie xx

  8. Love those pebbles penny they look so sophisticated all together. Jo x

  9. It's been beautiful hasn't it, yes we've been blessed alright! I'm just imagining a beach full of crocheted pebbles! :) x

  10. I do like those crochet adorned pebbles, and I like your design best of all.

    Here's hoping the sun keeps shining on us all in the UK :)

  11. Lovely crochet adorned pebbles, I think they would be beautiful in a nice basket with a few pieces of driftwood.

  12. Very pretty and tactile project, I have seen crochet pebbles before but never tried them - now I'm inspired! So lovely having them all grouped together...Chrissie x

  13. I've seen these here and there and always think how attractive they are. They make good paperweights, or just lovely decorative objects. I bet they feel lovely in the hand. I like the way they marry together your love of the beach and of yarn, Penny. xx

  14. I've never seen the crochet pebbles before and I am amazed at how beautiful they are!

  15. a very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information

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