Sunday 24 June 2012

Heat-pack pocket make

A while ago I had a plan, a plan to do something with my lavender I grow in my potted courtyard garden. Lavender is one of my all time favourite healing fragrances. I know it's commonly used and readily available,but despite that I have a real love of it and a soft spot in my heart for this divine plant, flowers and scent. 

So, I picked some of my own grown (seen in the bathroom photo above) and waited for it to dry out. Patience together with an amazon order here for a bigger stock of flowers paid off as yesterday I was able to make my 'secretly desired in the back of my mind' heat pack. I got the idea from here a few weeks ago and had to be oh so patient for my flowers to grow and dry out.

So, here's what I did yesterday afternoon...

  • Some rice and lavender in a ratio of 3:1
  • Some old fabric from my stash, I chose to cut an old embroidered pillow slip and part of a tablecloth I had bought in a charity shop 
  • An old doily from my stash - yes I am an old doily collector!
  • Pinking scissor and some normal ones

Simply cut out a shape you fancy, I copied my inspiration and used a dinner plate to make a two round shapes with a pencil marking at the back of the fabric. Cut your fabric with pinking scissors to try and stop the fabric from fraying after you have sewn the pieces together.

Hand sew a doily onto one piece (or on both if you like) of the right side of the fabric.

Then, machine sew the two wrong sides of the fabric facing each other together , leaving a gap to fill your heat pack pocket with rice and lavender.

I quite like the 1970's brown of the table cloth fabric that I chose, it feels rather retro and the old embroidered pillow slip is so soft and cotton dreamy. Perfect for cuddling up to on a cold evening.

As you can see I had some pale blue cotton thread in my bobbin and white cotton threaded through my machine and I quite like that the blue shadows some of the embroidered blue of the pillow slip.

Remember not to sew all the way round and to leave a reasonable space to pour your uncooked rice and lavender into. I filled my bag up by about half, I guess it's up to you as to how much you'd like to fill it up by. Once this was done I continued to sew by machine to complete the circle.

And voila... 

A little round heat pack pocket for popping into the microwave ( I heated mine for 2 minutes on 850W high) which was more than adequate to warm my cold toes after a windy cold cycle at 8pm last night. I just LOVE this little pocket and even had it's fragrance wafting in the room as I slept last night with it tucked in our bed.

Such a sweet gift idea too I think, something handmade and personal for a love one no matter what the time of year. 

Well, I hope that might have inspired some of you too? If you don't have a sewing machine you can do this by hand stitching, just make sure there are no gaps left in-bewteen your stitches to stop rice escaping into your bed :o)

Last but, not least I had to show you a photo of my poppies which are really floating my boat at the moment. How divine are these?

See you all very soon 


  1. I simply love the scent of lavender, such a pretty heat pack! Loving your poppy too, gorgeous colour!
    Victoria xx

  2. how beautiful- i love lavender!!...lovely photographs x

  3. What a brilliant idea! I would never have thought of that, such a nice idea for a special gift as you say.....we used to live to a young lad who had stacks of lavender (I think his mum tended his garden) you could have gone into production if had access to that!

    Love the poppies, so pretty!

    Have a lovely week Penelope!

  4. Hello Penelope
    I MUST try this!!! (I reoccurring backache and there is a precise spot that niggles most...heat helps)
    I haven't got lavander but there is a great herbs stall at the market here very Saturday and I know they have lavander.
    I am going to make one of these ..... yesss ssirrrr It looks pretty easy!
    If its also nice smelly better still.
    Thanks for the tutorial

    Enjoy your Sunday

    Amanda :-)

  5. Sorry about spelling can't find my specs :-)

    Amanda :-)

  6. What a lovely warmer you have made! I bought one awhile back, but would really like a lavender one as it is one of my favorite scents! Thanks for the tutorial.

  7. Love your idea for the warmer. I have a big bag of dried lavender and a sewing machine :) so I might have a go at making one myself. Oh that poppy is a real stunner - I don't think I've ever seen poppies like that - the ones I've seen just look like a half ball shape and rather boring.

  8. I adore lavender, it takes me back to my childhood when my grandparents had a lavender hedge all along the side of their drive. We went to stay every summer and the smell is an abiding memory of their garden. We have just planted a little lavender hedge in our garden, it's a bit skinny as yet, but each little plant has lots of flowers.
    I love the idea of your little lavender heat pack, it's such a restful smell. Have a lovely week

  9. I love this idea, so very pretty and practical at the same time :) I have a bag of dried lavender in my craft room so think I might make myself one of these as it has been quite chilly in the evenings here xxx

  10. What a brilliant idea Penelope, it would never have occurred to me to mix lavender with rice grains like that. Such a pretty thing and the scent must be divine!

  11. Very pretty and useful too! The doily adds a nice touch to the rounded shape. I bet it smells amazing!

  12. What a fab idea! Now I am wishing I hadn't pulled out my lavender plants...


  13. That is so lovely - I'm a great fan of heat packs and lavender, but I have to say my favourite at the moment is tea tree....we are using it for all sorts of things these days.

    Nina xxx

  14. What a lovely idea! I have several shop bought heat packs, but it never occurred to me that you could make your own. My mum has a miniature lavender field growing in her garden, so I think I'm going to have to steal some to give it a go as heat packs work wonders for all sorts of aches and pains and I use a lavender pillow mist every night to help me sleep. This way I can combine the two :) thanks for the great idea!

  15. Absolutely gorgeous, oh I bet that really is quite something to snuggle up with all that beauty. What a treat for the senses.
    I had to laugh when you mentioned 'uncooked' rice. Can you imagine ... ?

  16. Gorgeous heat pack (and would smell so much nicer than my hot water bottle) I love the materials you have used. The smell of Lavender would be nice to go to sleep with.
    xx Sandi

  17. if this appears twice I apologise!
    Pop over to've won something!
    So no need to buy after all.
    I'll be needing your address too so email me
    Woooooo hooooo for yoooo
    fee x

  18. Dear, lovely Penny,

    What a clever idea this is! I love the idea of lavender wafting into your dreams too.

    I dearly hope you got my email about THE PARCEL from Heaven. I would simply like to know which are your favourite colours, please?

    Warmest wishes,


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