Saturday 11 May 2013


My goodness have we just lived through the 19th week of 2013? Where does all that time go? I've had a bit of an up and down week and have had some sweet moments which I'll share. I hope you have had a good one? The mixed weather has been funny with me thinking should I or should I not pull out my Winter coat for protection against those chilly winds! I have however, really enjoyed being able to hang our washing up on the the line.

First up are these two newish books from our fabulous library just a 5 min walk away from our home. They have just redecorated and modernised the upstairs where they keep all the knitting,crochet, stitching and crafty books. I loved finding these two beautiful books to peruse over for 3 weeks without having to buy them. I am sure I will get some inspiration to make a little something from these beauties. 

I am a library lover and could quite happily be locked away in there as long as you provide me with food and water :o)

A rather modern look for an old seaside town, I love the purple walls and industrial lights with the ancient ceilings.

Meet Poppy, our new baby dwarf cross lion head bunny. She has been adopted from a good friend's daughter whose landlord said she could not keep her in her University digs. She is too precious and really funny with all her antics. We took her to the vets this week for a free health check during rabbit awareness week which just happened to be the week we adopted her. She is the softest little thing and we love her so, especially her little cotton tail!

Well, that's about it for this week, I am also currently attempting to knit myself a cotton cardigan for the Summer time so I'm sure you'll see more of that sometime soon. Have a happy carefree weekend everyone xox See you soon


  1. I popped into our library this morning - haven't been for AGES and I used to be a regular. Astonished that the book limit is now FIFTEEN BOOKS! For heaven's sake! No wonder there were no really nice 'house' books, you'd have to camp out at the doors to catch them when someone brings them all back!! Ours has had a face lift but the books are a bit old. I'd love to browse those books but not sure I'd want to buy them.

    Enjoy the weekend, Penny, hope the sun shines! Lx

    1. Camp out at the door....hahaha - made me laugh out loud!:)

  2. Hi Penny, your new pet is sooooo cute !! a pretty ball of fluff :0)
    Hope she settles in O.K.
    Have a great weekend.
    Jacquie x

  3. What a fabulous local library you have! I wish mine had that selection of crafty books.

    And welcome to Poppy - she is too cute. xx

  4. What lovely library books. I love our local library as well, especially as it seems to have been getting more craft books in lately. Poppy is very cute.
    M x

  5. Isn't it ridiculously nippy? Went to St Leonards this arvie and nearly got blown away (saw a seagull being blown backwards in the air it was so funny) and, worst of all, we have put the heating back on. For goodness sake!!

    I haven't been to the library for months and months - I have pretty much taken a sabbatical from reading - not sure when I will want to take it up again but I am sure it will happen at some phases and all that. :)

    Have a super Sunday Penny. x

  6. Aww she is so dinky! <3
    Heather xx

  7. Cuuuuute!
    Love the duvet cover btw, Alice's room looks so very pretty, I imagine she's keen to get to bed these days ;)

  8. Well, Poppy is indeed sweet... and what a lovely library you have. Ours is only five minutes walk away, but although well-supported, the range of craft/home/decorating etc., books is very poor indeed, so lucky you having such a good selection.

  9. I'm a major library fan too... spoken-word books and craft books... it is a fabulous and much needed community place... knit and natter group and just joined a new book club... Lovely little poppy! Cx

  10. I love my library, as do my children. Sadly many Manchester suburbs are due to lose their libraries - ours is safe for the time being, thank goodness. The craft section isn't great, but I often borrow cookery books as well as fiction.

  11. What a sweetie that bunny is!

    Another library fan here, but our local library is sadly lacking in decent craft books :(
