Friday 31 May 2013

22/52 and a winner

Hello there
For those living in the UK, have you had a gorgeously warm sunshiny day today? My goodness, as I was driving around between patients today I rolled the windows down, turned the music up and pretended I was driving to the South of France for a few minutes. Divine.I hope it lasts over the weekend.

This last week I have had some lovely moments, but have had a very exhausting albeit 4 day week at work. Manic May I think I might call it :o)

On bank holiday Monday I made a rag covered hanger out of strips of fabric from an old pillow slip. So simple and much better than the 'naked' iron hanger which I was going to give to add to my charity shop pile. 

A very pretty flower in my garden,not sure what it is but I love the colours.

Our sweet bunny, Poppy is a cheeky little thing hopping from one pot plant to another munching on plants she shouldn't. She made us smile a whole lot last weekend with her antics.

I enjoyed watching Alice doing her geography holiday homework. She was asked to make something that she felt represents the economic uprising in China. She chose to make these"Made in China" DAS clay words and will be decoupaging them with strips of Chinese newspaper this weekend .

Knitting the second sleeve of my cotton cardy/jacket in the sunshine. I am hoping to finish this this weekend and sewing it up, so excited about having knitted myself a cardy.

So those were sweet snippets from my week. I hope you have had a good one despite the rain if you had half term off.

Can I also say a huge thank you for those who entered into my tea time give away and as much as I would love to give you all something, there can only be one random number winner and that happens to be Ada from Vintage Sheet Addict. Well done Ada! Please email me your postal address and I will endeavour to send it off to you this coming week :o)

True Random Number Generator  14Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Happy days to you allxoxPenny


  1. I love that idea of covering a wire hanger. I have lots here that need covering.
    What a cute bunny Mx

  2. Hi Penny! Glad your week has been a good one. We have felt a little cheated with the weather...too soggy and wet this half term! Hopefully June will be better hey? Love the coat hanger! It is so cheerful. And your little Poppy looks like a cheeky little bunny rabbit! Too sweet. Enjoy your weekend! Tania ♥

  3. Your bunny is cute! Does it have blue eyes? adorable
    I must do same with my hangers too, moreover the clothes won't be slipping from them now, thanks for an idea!!!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  4. Love your hanger...I was looking for wooden ones this week as I want to paint them....but have had no luck yet.

    And isn't Alice enterprising! Her project is wonderful...very creative take on a dull geography subject.

    I think we shall have a decent weekend, weather-wise, if the forecast is to be's hoping. Enjoy it Penny. :)

  5. Well done Ada! I love the idea of wrapping fabric around your coat hangers - think I'll give this a go. Enjoy the sunshine (who'd have ever thought we'd be able to say that?!) Jane x

  6. Hi Penny , love both Alices and your projects. The hanger is so sweet and a great idea. Your Bunny is darling. We only have one rabbit now and she is such a dear little thing.
    Thanks for your comments...they are always so welcome...and enjoy the sunshine :0)
    Jacquie x

  7. Penny thank you sooooo much! I haven't got a tea cosy, and yours is so pretty! I will email you! Love your coat hanger, must try that one! Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend....lets hope the sun stays out! :) x

  8. That bunny is just the cutest thing! How's the knitting going? Love the colour :)

  9. How lucky have we been with two nice bank holidays?! So grateful and this weekend was nice too :)

    Love the pink flower though I've no idea what it's called. Alice's project looks fab! Never did anything that fun in Geography :)

  10. Such a cute bunny and lovely images from your week. So nice to see the sunshine again :)

  11. So glad you've enjoyed the sun. I love the geography homework project, it looks great. And your idea of wrapping rags around a wire coat hanger is brilliant, I may have to steal that. xx
