Wednesday 24 August 2011


Hello, it's me again, not day-dreaming for a change! It was/is so lovely to read all your comments. Thank you so much for them, I do so enjoy hearing from you and sharing our little worlds with each other.

I've been meaning to post about the Fun and Funky designs of Tatty Devine. Have you seen their cool perspex handmade jewellery yet? I first spotted some of their makes in a rather lovely off the cuff jewellery shop in Hastings Old town called the charming name of Pearl and Queenie

They stock such unique pieces of jewellery, including their vintage previously loved and adorned collection of sparkly jewels. The lovely lady who owns this shop told me she had a vision of posh Victorian ladies who used to come down to the Seaside who may well have had the names of Pearl and Queenie and hence the name of her shop was born. I like stories like that.

Anyway... back to Tatty Devine, here are some of their creations for you to savour {just click on the images for a close up look}

I could go on and on and on but I won't, I'll let you go and check out their website for yourself. 

Oh, just one more, I couldn't resist...

I will own one of your perspex handmade creations, I will, ha!


  1. I'm a big fan too- have had lots over the years, sadly ny perspex necklaces always end up eventually snapping. At the moment I'm rocking a wooden moustache neckalce and also have a volume control broach that I wear on my coat in the winter x

  2. ohhhh thanks for the post, popping over now for a study break. shhhhhh. have a wonderful day at your place.

  3. Oh my goodness now I will be lusting after fishnet earrings and dino necklace and moustache necklace, oh and the zipper necklace. Be still my wanting heart.

  4. Funky and fun! I like it. Wishing you a happy weekend. :)
