Saturday 27 August 2011

Frida and the cardigan

Oh boy am I pleased it's the weekend, it's been a very busy week for me and my little family but we've survived to tell the tale. It's such a pleasure to relax again and with a so far sunny bank holiday ahead I'm not complaining. Hope you have all had a good week and are able to take some time out for yourself?

I wanted to share a little about the amazing Frida Khalo and 
Diego Riviera exhibition we went to last week in Chichester as a day trip while we were camping. It was a wet grey day so I wasn't complaining about leaving the damp tent behind.

It was held at the Pallant House Gallery found here and will be on until 9th October if you'd like to go and see for yourself. I was lucky enough to see an exhibition of hers for the first time in Paris 1999 and was so looking forward to seeing some of her work again. The exhibition did not disappoint and I was beside myself to see more photography than ever before, like this one

It was a very privileged treat to see this woman's amazing paintings and those of her husband Diego's. Her's is a beautifully sad story which is often portrayed in her paintngs, if you are interested you can read more about her life story here.

Frida's work was influenced by Mexican cluture which is apparent in her use of bright colours and dramatic symbolism. I can see why she embraced her beautiful culture and love of her land.

Andy and Alice and I had a good look around the shop in the gallery and unfortunately all the goodies and books I wanted were far too pricey, but I came away with some lovely postcards which is something I love.

I also got to spend a teeny tiny amount of time just before they closed in Clothkits found here. They have recently opened their first shop (they normally only trade via the Internet and catalogue I think) and it just happened to be in Chichester! 

They seriously have some scrummy stuff if you are into sewing and textiles {plently can be seen on their web page}

Ric rac joy xox

They use a fair amount of Jane Foster's design's on their fabric kits, her lovely blog can be found here.

This leads me perfectly onto the buttons I chose in a flash before they closed for my cardigan I'm almost finished knitting.

Four Liberty fabric covered buttons for my cardy which should be finished this weekend just in time for me to take to Sweden next friday. Yes, I did say SWEDEN... a few month's ago I was chosen {lucky o'l me} to go to ESPEN (European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition) from 2- 6th Septemeber. To say I was over the moon was an understatement and so I am jet setting to Gothenburg on friday and from what I can gather the temperature is between 9 -16 degrees C, so I need to finish my cardigan quick.

Of course I need to take some knitting or crochet with me! I've bought some delicious Louisa Harding cotton and cashmere mix in my LYS Wa Wa wools, bank holiday sale today. It is super soft and cosy , I'm just hoping I'll have time to knit in between lectures (hee hee).

Hopefully I will have time to blog my completed cardy before I go, happy sweet days ahead  xox


  1. Ooh ooh itlooks so colourful and brimming with fun. I would love to go! Cardi looks snuggly too x

  2. Ooh, lucky you, what a great day out :D Khalo and Clothkits ... so much colour! And I'm liking the look of that cotton and cashmere too :)

  3. I see your daughter is wearing standard 10 year olds' clothes - leggings under shorts and hoody with flip flops. My daughter has been kitted out like that for most of the summer hols! I love cloth kits and remember my Mum buying lots of it the first time around, and those liberty print buttons will be perfect for your gorgeous cardigan. About 9 years ago I visited my husband in Gothenburg when he was working on a project out there. The weather was a lot hotter than usual and I really enjoyed wandering around the cobbled streets of the old quarter. Lots of cafes and interesting little shops. I hope you enjoy your trip there as much as I did. x

  4. Beautiful pictures. I would love to go to a Frida exhibit. I have only read about her and the work is beautiful.

  5. Hmmm.....Sweden. I dream of going there. One day. :)

    Cardi looks really cozy and the buttons are great - going to look very designer when it's done.

  6. Hello Penelope! I have missed so many of your posts because I haven't been popping around the blog world all week! Love your cardigan, cant wait to see it modelled, I had a look on ravelry and I want to make one too!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love the Frida photos, wasn't she an amazing woman and artist...
    have a wonderful trip to Sweden, enjoy yourself! XXXXX
