Sunday 5 February 2012

Hot and cold

Brrrrrr it's a wee bit nippy in these South East England parts at the moment. We, like many others here woke up to a bit of a winter wonderland. We had to take Alice to a whole day of rehearsals for her production she is in a week and half's time and as soon as we dropped her off, I got home and promptly jumped back into bed and have hardly left the warmth and comfort and snuggly-ness of it. This weather seems to make me extra tired too, bed was definitely calling.

I forgot to take my camera out with me this white morning and so I only have a couple of snaps of the snow despite the bare Winter trees looking like twinkling objects of sheer beauty I could not be bothered to leave the confines of the warm bed to capture their beauty in my camera.

Our front gate

Alice in wellies

Bleak light

Andy has been pulling kitchen cupboards,coving and ceiling bits out getting our kitchen ready for replacing. Unfortunately, our oven packed up last week, which I guess is fortunate in a way that we have a new one sitting in our front room waiting to be fitted as I speak. We are, however missing doing some baking though, oh well good for the waist line I guess.

When Alice came home a 4pm I had a little hotty waiting for her...{filled with caution after dear Annie's warning here on her beautiful blog Knitsofacto}

So snug and little and cosy. Her finger is healing very well, thanks for all your well wishes. I'm rather relieved there was no fracture or breakage. Hands are so important don't you think? I know of people who have done their PhD in the study of the hand and the physical, emotional, social and spiritual meanings of the hand. I think we can all relate well to that?

So there we have it, a mini hotty bottle for the hands and heart.
All wrapped up in granny goodness and warm as toast. 

I just plaited some of the green yarn to make a draw string of sorts. It's not the neatest granny square make I've made, I think my stitching up of it leaves room for improvement. I must start being more disciplined about wearing my specs and stop denying my aging eyesight!

Hope you are all cosy and pink cheeked if it's bitterly cold outside or cool and calm if it's a hot one for you. 

I look forward to sharing some of our in-door keeping the blues at bay stitching with you soon. Take care dear friends xox


  1. Pretty hot water bottle cover! Stay warm...

  2. Lovely hot water bottle cover - reminds me warmingly of my grandma! Your photos capture the mood of the snowy weather really well.

  3. Your hottie is brilliant, and how welcoming to have it filled and ready after being out in the cold. Poor Alice and her finger, glad it isn't broken though.

    We missed the snow here, but it was mighty cold, I would love to be curled up in bed, but I've stuffed things up for myself by getting a puppy, I am constantly reminded that it is my dog and therefore my responsibility to get up at silly o'clock to let it out!

    Btw, love the button pin idea, so clever!

  4. I bet Alice felt properly cosseted with such a prettily wrapped hottie to hug. I bought a new one after 'the incident', but it's not the same, it doesn't smell rubbery enough!

    Love that third pic down ... sooooo atmospheric!

  5. it looks soooo cold over on your side of the world! it is even a bit colder here at the moment, which is nice because this summer was doing me in!
    Love the little hottie cover, I love my hot water bottles but am quite particular about getting a new one each year because they have leaked on me before and I get scared they're going to pop in my bed!!! I'm feeling all cozy after your snowy post and don't blame you one bit for staying in bed, never mind photographs, you've got snuggly times that are more important!

  6. I finally succumbed and got myself a pair of specs for reading and sewing, and can't believe I put it off for so long! It was a revelation when I put them on I tell you. A revelation!
    Love the hotty cover, I've got a couple of very similar vintage ones.
    Stay warm x

  7. A hot water bottle is such a comfort isn't it, and a pretty cover is essential to protect you from the rubberiness. I must confess that a cover for mine is on the 'to do list', which grows ever longer!
    Keep warm,
    Penny xxx

  8. Glad I'm not the only one who was denying my aging eyesight, can't get away with it anymore. Glasses are such a pest to keep putting on and taking off. Love the little hottie cover, so sweet.
    Keep warm, we are in jumpers tonight, a cool week, next week will probably be really hot again.
    xx Sandi

  9. Oh my, I want one of those! I don't even have a hot water bottle, but that lovely cozy makes me feel like I should remedy that right away. :)

  10. I adore your wee hottie cover - it's just brilliant! I never ever thought to make one with grannies - it's fabulous. Will definitely pinch that idea come winter time here. Have a fab week hon - stay warm. L x

  11. How lovely to have some snow, I bet it's cozy inside. Love your granny cover- great idea! What a good mom you are to have a hotty at the ready for Alice. We remodeled our kitchen a few years back, but it was in the summer so we used the barbeque a lot. It will be so nice when it's all done! Take care :)

  12. Yey! lovely hottie cover - I am just sewing mine up right now and eagerly await the nightfall so I can tuck up with it. Good to know Alice is on the mend.x
