Monday 20 February 2012

A lump in my throat


In amongst the Hum Drum of a busy work life comes a sweet moment of sheer overwhelming joy and a lump in ones throat. My wonderful Stroke Rehabilitation Team which I work in, organised a yummy lunch full of vegetarian deliciousness for saying goodbye to me at work today. It is my last few day's with them and I have such mixed feelings about saying goodbye. What a wonderful bunch of dedicated and hard working folk who really care for all our patients and have their best interests at heart, always.

I was there from day one on 1/08/2005 when four of us barely had paper clips to rub together and we set up Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation pathways and guidelines for people being discharged from hospital with a Stroke into the Community. We have had people come and go from our team but there has always been a core team which has stayed and so with a lump in my throat I say Farewell to my lovely colleagues.

They spoilt me thoroughly and gave me these beautiful flowers. This photo next to my bed doesn't do them much justice so I put them on my chest of drawers for some more light on this grey afternoon.

How pretty and uplifting these are in my very dusty home. They have really lifted my spirits with not having a working kitchen {thank you too for all your kind words, you are all so very encouraging and yes I know it will be worth it when it's done}.

Don't you just love Irises? The intensity of that purple!

Sweet HS gave me two lavender filled Laura Ashley velvet hearts as she felt a part of her heart was leaving with me going :(
HS you are the most beautiful flower of them all my friend x

JL made this mixed CD for me with some great Nick Drake, Tom Waites and Nick Cave tracks amongst others which I am keen to listen to. How sweet was that? He observantly listened to my music musings over the time he has been with our team and came up with this cool and very appropriate title for my leaving CD.

My team also gave me a very generous gift voucher to buy yarn and/or fabric from The Owl and Sewing Cat which I am over the moon with. How well do they know me! Thank you, thank you xox


with All My Love dear friends and colleagues I Thank You from the bottom of my heart and shall miss each and everyone of you xox

*** made by my clever and very talented fine artist friend Bronwen making up one half {together with Sam} of their Hey Cherry blog.


  1. What lovely gifts - you were obviously a treasured member of the team. Your flowers are gorgeous - very cheering. I hope you enjoy the next chapter of your life XX

  2. What beautiful flowers and such a lovely team and friends to work with. I have only just found your blog in the past few days so i don't know your reasons for leaving but it sounds like a great and rewarding place to work. Enjoy your stunning flowers and what ever you are going to do next. dee x

  3. What beautiful presents, and lovely gifts.
    Isn't it sad leaving jobs, no matter how excited you are to go to the new one, it's hard leaving friends behind!!
    Hope your last day is not too sadd

  4. You will be missed more than words can say.
    I will yearn for both your dark glasses mornings and your sparkling, life appreciating mornings. Every side of you we love xx

  5. What a wonderful testament of friendship are your flowers and gifts. Parting really is sweet sorrow but new adventures lie ahead ... good luck :D

  6. Such a gorgeous posy (and old enamel jug btw) Snap dragons are my favourites, we don't see them very often in bouquets here which is a shame because I think they're lovely.
    Goodluck with your new venture Penelope, I'm sure it's going to be just as fabulous and worthwhile as the old one x

  7. how sweet Panalope, it must be so hard for you to leave and being such an integral part of the team that started the whole place. Your workmates obviosuly love you very much and fair enough too!
    Much love X

  8. Panalope? hahahaha what a funny way to spell your name hahaha sorry!

  9. Sounds like you work with the most amazing team of people. How very thoughtful of them all and you are a lucky lady for receiving so many gifts. I'm sure you will have many happy memories of your time with them.

  10. It is very obvious that youre a very valued member of a team and a lovely friend to boot! I feel a lump in my throat for you also with the difficulty of leavin your friends, but with the excitement of something you so want to do....

    Beautiful gifts, you are obviously much loved!

  11. What beautiful leaving presents, they sound a great bunch. Goodbyes are horrible, aren't they, but I'm sure the excitement of the next challenge will help!
    P x
