Friday 5 July 2013


Hello, how are you? I am loving the warm weather we are having on the South East coast today. It's supposed to stay for the weekend I think, so hopefully we can pack a picnic and head down to the beach for some chilling and a bbq.

lots has happened this week, its been a good and not so good one in some ways, but I'm here to focus on the good, sweet moments of my here goes

I found a whole bunch of keys in a junk shop in Eastbourne and this sweet card from a vintage shop and they made me smile. I am an avid key collector, I adore old keys and have a lot few in my collection! I want to make some jewelry and have keys as a feature, we'll see.

Pretty shadows and flowers from the garden of one of our favourite pubs to eat at on a Sunday. I had a crayfish and avocado salad which was delish. 

Knitting in the sunshine with my new yarn I bought on Saturday and attempting to make the Oaklet Shawl. I took it to knit and natter last night and realised I was going horribly wrong on the lacey bit, but thanks to the help of Jo and Lesley I managed to pull it back and hope and pray I can count my stitches correctly now. I need to CONCENTRATE on this and it's making me nervous. Ha ha, I am sure mine will look nothing like what it's supposed to! Nevermind, it's all practice. 

I also took these 3 photo's of Lesley's blankets. This one is a WIP 

Gorgeous or what? And just look at this one she made for her daughter from Noro yarn which took her 500 hours to make and quite a few pounds too!

Lesley was happy for me to photograph these and pop on my blog. How beautiful are they? One day I will make one of these fabulous blankets.I will, I will ....

Putting some fresh flowers in my beautiful Alice's room, there have been some tears this week. Not fun being an almost 13 year old girl at times. Why are girls so nasty to each other at times?

Having some serious fun with tie dying which I haven't done for what feels like many years (over 20 at least when I was going through a bit of a hippie stage). This is Dylon dye and I was shocked that you no longer have to boil your tee-shirts and pillow cases for hours in a big pot on the stove. It just involves a bucket, salt, the dye and some warm water and a few minutes and hey presto, we are hippies again :o)

Oh, the joy of 2 x £1 pressies for Carol and John who's housewarming we are going to tomorrow eve. I love those jelly moulds and have a couple myself and just like to make colourful jelly to watch it wobble once it has set. Weird, but true!

Alipops brought home her wood tech project home this week and promptly told me she got top marks for it...worthy of an appearance on my blog indeed :o)

Last, but not least I loved picking some elder flowers which are everywhere at the moment from our local hedgerows and making elder flower cordial from this gorgeous book I found yet again in my library.

I hope to make a little of this too...(fabulously easy recipe, you can actually see these if you follow the link above and click on the "look inside" on the book cover)

Hooray for the English hedgerows! I plan to renew this book and write down some of the seasonal hedgerow recipes with the flora and fruits I know I can pick locally.

I hope you have found some sweet moments in your week too
Wishing you a marvelous weekend 
See you soon


  1. Hope this next weeks is easier for you all, you've still managed to pull some lovely things 'out of the bag' though! Wow that blanket, serious concentration there, I've only got to count to 16 with my blanket and I keep getting it wrong!!! :) x

  2. Can never believe your energy penny and all you fit in around working. Sunshine all the way here. Such a good happy thing. Thank heavens Alice is near the end of the year and can get away from it for a while. Live Lisa x

  3. Your new yarn really is stunning, I've been tense casting on my hard to get my crochet head around...I've done a couple of shawls before, but they didn't start like this one.

    Your friends Noro blanket is beautiful, it so turns my head, although I've never actually squished it, and keep telling myself, it's probably 'not all that'! (convincing!)

    I was walking this week and there were individual petals of elder on the ground which looked like confetti pretty....every year I say I will make cordial.....maybe this year!

  4. Lovely photos. I can't get enough of your shawl and your friend's blanket, both stunning work. I hope the coming week is better for everyone at your house. :)

  5. Hooray for the English hedgerow indeed, and for tie dyeing, fun jelly moulds and scrumptious yarn ... what a lovely feel-good space this is today :)

  6. What lovely happy things. I now suddenly feel the urge to tie-dye somthing! I would love to make some elderflower cordial but picking the stuff really sets off my hayfever something awful so I avoid it. I hope things are settling down and that all is ok with Alice and her friends. xx
