Tuesday 22 May 2012

Lily of the valley for you

Hello, for those of you in the UK, did you enjoy the sunshine today? Wasn't it just glorious. I felt alive with the warmth of sunshine on my skin and I enjoyed going down to the seafront for a drink with some work colleagues after work. It felt so good. 

Do you like my Lily of the Valley flowers? My gorgeous friend Helen gave these to me as a belated birthday gift. It has become a bit of an annual event, she knows that I adore these delicate beauties and their scent, oh their scent makes me giddy and overwhelmed with nostalgia. 

I wanted to share these with you to say thank each and everyone of you who entered my little give away and to announce the winner tonight. I know I said I would randomly draw a name on the 23 May but I forgot that I have to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to go on a 3 hour journey to a conference and wouldn't be home till late, after which no doubt I would be too tired to blog. So, my random number generator i.e. my lovely 11 year old Alice got to choose a number  between 1 and 39 and she chose 29.... which is the lovely Stephanie from Millefeuilles.  

Well done Stephanie, please could you email your postal address to me at: violetsandvelvet@gmail.com 
{By the way, do visit her blog it's divine}

I have been slowly working on my simple squares treble crochet baby blanket for one of Alice's teacher's. Mrs.W is expecting her second baby and Alice absolutely adores her and I can see why. She is very special and all the kids love her firm but fair way of teaching. I'm crocheting with Rico Baby Classic which is soft and a pretty pastel for sweet new life. 

I was supposed to have done many more squares by now but time has slipped away and alas I have only done 6. I lay in bed thinking how to join these squares and I decided to try and crochet them together which is making quite a nice effect but I'm still not 100% sure? Hhhmmm we'll see. Please excuse all the messy threads in these photo's, I got impatient and didn't even bother to weave the ends in before trying to crochet the squares together. I can be a little like that when I want to try an idea out. I have some time to play with different ideas before she goes on maternity leave at the end of June. 

Righteeooo, I must go and get myself sorted out for my early rise tomorrow. The train journey will be perfect hooky time, yay.

See you all soon
loving all your comments / conversation by the way


  1. Very early mornings for work - ugh, now that I DO NOT miss! But 3 hours to yourself on a train - as long as you have a seat -sheer bliss! Hope theconference is worth the journey.

  2. Ooh, I can smell those flowers from here. Lovely, and what a wonderful gift :D

  3. Those are lovely flowers and perfect in that table cloth.
    That blanket is looking great!

  4. Well getting up early is not the best but at least you had glorious sunshine to motivate you. It is beautiful out there this morning - am just about to go for a bike ride.

    I love Lily of the Valley too. We are very lucky to have a whole flower bed full of them - previous owner planted it all. The scent in the garden right now is amazing - late last night I could smell it drifting in through the windows.

    I like the crochet joining of your blanket - it looks very pretty.

  5. Lily of the valley are my favourite flowers, so so pretty! Loving the sunshine, enjoy the rest of your week!
    Victoria xx

  6. I haven't seen lily of the valley for a long time! Take Care

  7. I adore them - my favourite flowers xx

  8. Oh my goodness, Oh my golly gosh! Words fail me here! Where have I been and why on earth did I miss this post, dear Penelope? I am utterly thrilled to have won your giveaway. Oh my goodness. All those little treasures are coming to stay with me? I promise you that I will do my very best to treat them all with the grace they deserve and will enjoy weaving them into some of my crafty projects.

    Such a joyful thought.

    Please, please thank Alice for me.

    Oh my goodness... Stephanie wanders off in a small cloud of joy and lily of the valley scent.

    I will send you an email tomorrow dear Penelope.

    I hope the conference went well?
