Sunday 18 November 2012

An owl is born

Name: Mabel (named by Alice)
Born: 17/11/2012
Breed: Plushie Nooshie species
Created by: Penelope
Fabric: Felted Witney blanket, coloured felt, cotton, yarn and buttons
Stuffed with: Filling from an old pillow
Eyes: Crochet circles with blue dotty buttons found in stash and recommended by creators daughter Alice
Beak: Cotton crochet triangle, size recommended by Alice
Feathers: Exotic coloured felt hand sewn onto owl breast with red cotton
Missing: Wings and feet poor thing

Cuteness: 6/10 not as cute as the creator would have liked; should the eyes be bigger?closer together?
Husbands thoughts: Blank stare, unable to express horror? or amazement at wife's multiple talents?!! (ha ha)
Character: Better in person versus staring wide eyed in this photo
Squeeze-ability: Super sonic
Smell: Woolly and wonderful
Siblings: None as yet, on the 7th day the creator had a rest :o)
Destination: Connie aged 6 months for a cuddly Christmas



  1. Oh I think his cuteness rating is higher than 6 Penelope! He's just lovely.
    Victoria xx

  2. I agree with Victoria, cuteness is 10/10!!

    Have just stumbled upon your blog - love it!

    Just off now to hit the "follow" tag!!


  3. Mabel is one very cute girl! You hugely underrated that and I bet Connie falls in love with her.

    Really your owl is wonderful...and this is exactly the kind of crafty thing that Mz Allsopp should be featuring. It's lovely.

  4. Very cute. I wonder if it's the blue buttons that make the eyes look a little blank...

  5. She is lovely. I like the blue eyes! We all see things differently. It is a beautiful gift.


  6. Hello Penelope

    I do think you should have upped the cutiness mark ...only 6 ...I would have put 8,25% for sure.
    Loved your product description....yes I know the ..... husband blank stare business He!He!
    Mabel is gorgeous and Connie is going to love cuddling Mabel :-)

    keep well

    Amanda x

  7. I have a feeling that she will be well loved despite said lack of wings and feet!

  8. Love your owl Penelope . It's very cute and the stats made me smile :0)
    Jacquie x

  9. I thinks it's just perfect, and I bet it's going to be well loved. Very clever!

  10. Now that is one funky ol' owl! She is going to be sooooooo loved!!

  11. Mabel is lovely. She made me smile. Thanks, Mabel and Penelope


  12. Hello Penelope and thank you for dropping by - next time I will have the tea and cake ready!
    You make some smashing things and the owl is adorable - I have some old Witney blankets that I keep meaning to embroider but never get round to it...something else to add to the list
    Keep warm today
    Best wishes

  13. Oh my gosh! How cute, she's is simple gorgeous!

  14. I love the blanket you've made her (gorgeous name) from and the eyes look just perfect to me.

    Nina x

  15. Lucky lucky Connie :)
    ps my skinny yarn is developing into a most gorgeously soft and cloud like scarfy thing - will blog about it soon and show you what your gift to me has turned into x
