Friday 16 November 2012


Outside stage at the De La Warr Pavilion on our seafront on Wednesday late afternoon
It feels like "ground hog day" around here with me thanking God for the weekend again...where on earth did the last week go? Gosh,I have been busy and need to catch up on my sleep BUT I so want to finish the multiple many handmade projects I have on the go at the moment. I have a queue of ideas waiting patiently in my notebook that I carry round with me and just need to get busy making and finishing. 

However, in the meantime I have been pretty fortunate with some Charity shop loot in the past week which will contribute to enabling me to bring some of my ideas in my notebook to fruition.

So first up... 

An old Witney 100% wool blanket, all creamy with pink stripes for the princely sum of £1. It's a little scratchy but I plan to felt this in my washing machine this weekend and get making. I'm so excited because I just love these blankets and although it seems sacrilege to chop it up, I think my multiple plans for it will prove to be worth it.

Next up is this little Hornsea deer vase for the sweet sum of 50p

I have always wanted one of these, it feels like my Holy Grail of kitch vintage and it's strangely cute too. I will be sure to put blossoms in the vase come the Spring.

Then I found this little wooden guy in a dusty corner for 20p

I like these little wooden soldiers for the tree there is something very nostalgic about them for me. I found one last Christmas too and popped him onto my wreath I made for our front door here. I look forward to adding this little guy to our tree decoration collection. 

Last but not least, for a yarnaholic a little Debbie Bliss Donegal Luxury Tweed - Aran yarn is just about the bees knees of yarn findings (for me anyway) in a charity shop for about an eighth of the price its normally retailed at (70p x 2 balls)!

So if my maths is correct the above loot cost me £3.10 and I love it all and can't wait to get cracking on hooking the yarn up, chopping the blankie up, adding the deer vase to my kitsch collection and hanging the wooden soldier on our tree this Christmas.

Have you had a good haul in a charity shop lately?
Tell me, tell me I love to see a good thrifty find.
Happy days to you and yours this weekend
I'll be be back with some of my makes very soon


  1. Oh my goodness, I'm never that lucky in the charities! Super gorgeous finds Penelope!
    Victoria xx

  2. That photo is just amazing!!!!!.I would love to take photos with such good composition as that. Mine are not a patch on yours, but maybe worth a look on my blog if you have time.....xx

  3. Nice find!! I did the CS rounds this afternoon - plodded from one to the other - pretty much all of them...and found sweet zippity doodah. Rien. Nada. Niks.

    Hubby was with me and we both feel they have changed so much in the last few months - become sanitised and commercialised and boring..except for Barbie Keel which is still the same. So you did amazingly well with those buys. Bravo!! :)

    And your photo rocks - really fabulous.

    Have a good weekend Penelope - hope your crafting plans work out - nothing like a bit of blankie felting and cutting - so satisfying. I seem to have lost my mojo again. *sigh* Everything I do is pants.

  4. Nice little haul, Penny! You know, I snagged a couple of Witney blankets (not AT Witney when I was there last week end, I hasten to add!) for £2 each - not quite the bargain you got but good never-the-less when out on another jaunt with my friend Sue K, and `i still haven't got round to dyeing them. I MUST, I really MUST! do something with them.

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, and you have yourself a good week end too. Lxxx

  5. I can never get how other people (not me!) find lovely yarn in charity shops, that wool is lovely, I'll bet you do something interesting with it. Your other finds are great too...what a successful thrusting time!

    Hope you have a relaxing, satisfying, fun-filled weekend.x

  6. If there are ANY charity shops here that sell good quality yarn, I've yet to find them. I got a nice t-shirt last night at one - does that count? My best charity shop find of all (which I mean to blog about some day - the post is already written but for some reason I've yet to publish it) is a knee-length leather coat for which I paid $12.99. It's got a nice swingy cut, and makes me feel full of retro-fashionable dash and derring-do whenever I wear it.

    My husband is always hoping for 100% wool blankets but we never seem to score any. What a great haul for you!

  7. what an awesome day of finding" especially the Debbie Bliss! yay!
    Yes, love a good op shop find but I admit I very rarely go these days as my house is so small and I have so much stuff now! :O)

  8. Brilliant bargains and finds. Wonder what the wool will become. I used the same to make the slouchy hat in Jane Brocket's knit book last winter.

    Loved the picture by the sea Penelope, very atmospheric.

    Glad you're ticking off lists too and I'm not alone. We often seem to mirror one another with our impatience and desire to be making so many things. Have a good rest of the weekend lovely one.

    Lisa x
