Saturday 29 December 2012

Mustard Mossy ways

Thank you so much for your kind comments on my last post, I feel so touched to have all of you kind folk visit and then comment on my posts whether cheery or a bit on the blue side. 

Knitting has become such a comfort to me over the years, especially during the cold grey English Winter days. I moved the UK from South Africa in February of 1996 and really do feel like this is the wettest most grey Winter I have experienced. My re-kindling of my love of yarn and building on my knitting and crochet skills happened almost 3 years ago and there is just no way I can look back now. Knitting and crocheting brings such therapeutic joy to my hands, heart and mind. 

I spent yesterday (whilst Alice was at her rehearsal for (Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella) tidying up all my crochet hooks, knitting needles, yarn, threads and fabrics ready for 2013. It was so satisfying sorting everything out and now I know what I have in my stash and where all my needles and other bits and bobs are after this year's making.

I also sorted out my knitting, crochet and stitching books and spent some time looking through this Jane Brocket book I bought after visiting Loop in London for some knitting inspiration. I eventually decided on the simple but satisfying Moss stitch scarf and then came the task of yarn choice...

My inspiration for colour came from one of my Christmas cards made by a dear colleague of mine (thank you Sarah). It had to be mustard of course (my new favourite colour) from this Madelinetosh Vintage hand dyed yarn in Nutmeg and some of my Debbie Bliss Donegal Tweed.

Moss or seed stitch is surprisingly relaxing and I spent a lot of this afternoon listening to my Radio 4 iplayer catch ups from the week whilst sipping on tea and mossy stitching. Each stitch a testament to knitting on through to the other side of the blues.

How about you, has knitting/crochet/crafting/making/baking ever helped you get through the blues? 

Other than that its all about hair, hair nets, hairspray, costumes and make up for my pretty grade 5 ballerina doing the first of her dance and performing arts school's annual show tonight, break a leg my darling. We look forward to seeing you shining on that stage tomorrow.

Cheerio for now 
See you soon


  1. Hi Penelope, merry chirstmas and happy new year! that mustard colour is totally gorgeous and I love that seed stitch scarf in JB's book, I started knitting the bedspread but gave up after 6 squares realising I would be an old woman before it was finished haha!
    have a happy start to 2013, hope all your dreams come true this year XXX

  2. Hi Penelope! This year has been a funny old one for so many of us...and I don't mean in a 'ha-ha' sort of way. I too found myself reflecting on 2012, and feeling a little heavy with all that life has thrown at us! But, I look onwards and upwards, for it is my faith that holds me grounded and which sustains me, when sometimes I feel like losing my head! I know from following your blog, that your journey has been challenging at times, but I want to thank you for still inspiring and uplifting others in the midst of it all! You are an example to us all, for being honest in your writing, and for sharing your life and loves with us. May 2013 be your year...a year filled with hope, joy and breakthrough where you need it most! Much love, Tania ♥

  3. I'm sure your daughter will shine! Those colours look great together, I've been practising my crochet today, will show you soon! :) x

  4. i often think that if i didn't have knitting i'd go crazy! your yarn choices are beautiful, kellyx

  5. I love mustard, as I'm sure I've said umpteen times on your blog, it reminds me of my Grandad! Enjoy the show tomorrow. X

  6. Certainly! Craft always helps me through the blues :-) And I totally agree it has to be one of the wetest winters on record. Love your choice of colour for your wool - lovely! Happy new year! Leah x

  7. Knitting is a godsend when I'm down ... but you guessed that!

    And mustard knitting ... that's practically woollen sunshine ;D

  8. Hello,
    I visited your blog today - I saw you on another friend's blog. What caught my eye was your name, L is for love, as Love is one of the greatest gifts of all. I see that you like to crochet. My sister crochets and knits, and I have always thought it was such a talent when one knows how to. Me and my daughters also have a blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you and seeing all your creative, unique ideas. I hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  9. hope the play went well, also how refreshing to see a colour like mustard! I love it!!! I also love the card - so unusual!!!


  10. Happy New Year to you too, Penelope, and I hope the new year brings you much peace and joy.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  11. (I left you a long-winded carefully thought through comment, only for it to disappear into the who knows where....isn't that annoying!)

    It has been lovely to catch up with your posts, it has been so long since I read any blogs. Love that mustard, I was trying to think of a sum-it-up description, but Annie has it is such a toasty scrummy colour, I think. Need me some too!

    Those butterflies and moths are just gorgeous. The wood makes the colours look velvety...stunning.

    I am with you all the way with 2012, it has had such a difficult end to it, I never want to repeat it. But I know how much I am looking forward to hearing all your happy news, looking at your beautiful photographs and reading about your inspiring projects in 2013....and how about some more under-cover yarn bombing? Every blessing to you, hubby and Alice for the coming year.x

  12. Happy New Year Penelope! Wishing you much happiness and good health in 2013.

    Amanda :-)

    Giveaway closes 6th January ....early evening.
