Sunday 16 December 2012

Santa Please

Can I have this book? 
I promise I've been very good...

Ms. Mooncie is my crochet heroine, I met her 3 years ago in her open artists studio house and have seen her a couple times since then. She is incredible with a hook and yarn and when I grow up I want to crochet like her! 
I recently went to an artists pre-Christmas open house exhibition and saw some more of her gorgeous work, including some rabbit crochet-dermy (see below).

You can find out more about her work on her web site Kissy Suzuki. Do have  a look at her range of fox brooches, my goodness how I adore them.




  1. That is so funny - you will love the book, it is amazing. And I read the garden book the other day too! You will have to get your book signed! Love Kate xxooxx.

  2. I have sooooooo got to get this crochet thing licked ... look what you can do !!!!! They are gorgeous! I seriously hope Santa get's his jolly red derrière into gear and delivers your book Penelope x

  3. If I could be Father Christmas I would love to gift you that book which, incidentally, makes me want to learn the art of crochet more than ever!

    I have had a lovely catching up session with your recent posts. I love your embroidered singing bird. Details count so much in our everyday life don't they?

    Warmest wishes,

