Friday 19 November 2010

Pudsey Bear needs you

Hello everyone, I'm popping in for a quick visit to have my say on Children in Need day here in the UK (for those who don't live in the UK you can take a look on their web site) This is a quote from their mission statement:

'Our mission is to make a positive change to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people right here in the UK. Our vision is a society where each and every child and young person is supported to realise their potential'.

Pudsey Bear is the mascot for children in need


Like many schools here in the UK, Alice's school has encouraged all the kids to come to school in anyting spotty to raise funds for this very worth cause. So over here down by the sea side we obliged of course...

Alice had her felt tips out last night and had great fun drawing on these shorts!

And then there was mummy's touch...

Later on today we will have the joy of watching one of her teachers having a baked bean bath to raise money :0) 

We are off to Brighton for the weekend to spend time with granny and to spend tomorrow afternoon at the annual Design and Craft fair which is simply superb and has mouth drooling goodies to admire and buy.

In between all the activities my fingers will do the talking! I plan to complete my crochet cushion, candy granny blanket and fingerless hand warmers for watch this space, some real ta da moments to be revealed next week.

So I wish you all things bright and beautiful this weekend xox


  1. A baked bean bath sounds like fun!
    Have a lovely weekend Penelope! Have fun looking at all of those beautiful crafts, spend heaps! he he he

  2. I love those shorts - we had a spotty day at school yesterday too.

    Enjoy Brighton - hope it's not too wet and grey?

    Nina xxx
